ERSI Offers Free COVID-19 Cleanings for Local Healthcare Facilities

commercial disinfection

The novel Coronavirus, COVID-19, took everyone by surprise, including Emergency Response Services, Inc. While many businesses closed their doors to slow the spread of COVID-19 and keep clients safe, healthcare facilities do not have this luxury. 

In an effort to support our local Warren, Michigan community, Emergency Response Services, Inc. began offering free cleaning and sanitization services to local healthcare facilities. Knowing that nurses and doctors were already overwhelmed by the demands placed upon them by the pandemic, this was simply one way for ERSI to give back to those who do so much good already.  

In response, four healthcare facilities took us up on our offer for a free cleaning. Each facility entrusted us with the important task of keeping their patients and staff safe. To effectively clean each space, we took a variety of precautions and developed a strategy before even entering each building.  

Next, our COVID-19 cleaning technicians donned full personal protective equipment to ensure their health and well-being. They examined each facility from the inside to determine areas of high threat to aggressively target the spread of bacteria. An initial manual cleaning dislodgeorganic materials. This was then followed by a precise application of an EPA-registered solution with advanced sprayers.  

Our technicians were able to sanitize the spaces with minimal disruption to the facility’s staff and patients. In turn, doctors, nurses, and those they treat received peace of mind that any potentially lethal germs were eliminated 

While we cannot fully eliminate the Coronavirus throughout the world, Emergency Response Services, Inc. Is happy to help our community stay healthy. Free sanitizing for healthcare facilities allowed us to do just that and alleviate some of the burdens placed upon nurses and doctors at this time. Learn more about ERSI’s cleaning and sanitization offerings, methods, and services. 

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